Project Management

To manage a project, it is to manage the scope, schedule, cost, risk, and stakeholders' expectations. Also, create a plan to manage change requests. As a good project manager, it is better to also understand technical aspets. I manage projects in Agile Methodoloy.

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Project Management as Service

Project Management is an art, also a technic. It takes learning through events to be good at it. Skills like communication, negoriation, leadership and time management, are not directly from books, but from cases and rendezvous.

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Business Analysis
Business Analysis is a bridge between business needs and technical solutions. My strength is to elicit clarity in the mist of chaos to help your business development and expension.

Data Analysis
Data is a gold mine. It contains vast useful information. As a certified Business Intelligence (BI) Developer, I am able to perform Data Analysis, turning raw data into profits.